Monday, September 1, 2014

Who Appreciates How Deadly Fanatics Are

It takes an individuator and moderate to identify who is fanatical and then to lay out how deadly will be their impact on the world, if they go unchecked. This is why I called for the elimination of all ISIS fighters. They work for Satan directly and must be put down like the mad dogs that they are. They are beyond redemption.

The reason that nonindividuators and joiners do not so keenly appreciate how threatening and malevolent are fanatics is that these groupists travel in packs. Pack-living breeds emotional, fanatical, simplistic outlooks, reactions and characterizations of people and happenings. Quiet, non-mass movement pack-livers are lukewarm fanatics. They do not react strongly to ISIS fringe types, because, subconsciously they sympathize with and admire these "principled fanatics". They do not resent and are not alarmed at the fanaticism so much, because the two packs are related in extremist outlooks.

We need to nudge people to leave the pack and assume the individuated, moderate lifestyle in service to God. Once people live that way, they will be viscerally repulsed by the strutting and gyrations of any high-energy fanatic out to change the world. They will oppose fanaticism where ever it crops up because fanaticism as a movement is a satanic attack upon all human kind.

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