Friday, September 19, 2014

What Is Happening To Our Schools?

The basis for success in the public schools is not reached by catering to the low achievers. Where educators discount the high achievers, and put first emphasis on the needs and efforts of low achievers, the lowest common denominator syndrome kicks in, pulling down the high achievers, and does nothing to lift up the low achievers. This is why public schools that used to cater to high achievers, with sterling results, when transformed into magnet schools flooded with low achievers, drag down all to low achievement levels. This rant of mine is really gotten third hand from a respected, retired superintendet of the Roseville, Minnesota school district. He was deeply horrified and angered that they took his school of high achievers and wrecked it. It was , maybe a high school, that was nationally ranked. That school was geared to reward and train high achievers. Hard work, individual self-improvement, academic excellence and grade competition were promoted.

The school district made it a magnet school. They  places the bulk of their non-elitist attention on nonacheivers and the lowest common denominator thing kicked in, and high achieving on the part of anyone disappeared. The school declined into mediocre production of blah, nonperforming students. This retired superintendent was furious, and told my boss about their reform that gutted his prize school.

All these public education experts, all these wasted trillions of dollars. The aim of institutional bureaucrats, educators, is to churn out groupist, dull, conforming, anti-intellectual, lifeless citizens groomed to live their nonindividuated lives as cogs in the institutional hierarchy.

Kids are basically evil. They are basically herd creatures. They hate learning anything. They are lazy. Their are not curious. They are not ambitious.

Their state of sin makes them herd together. Those that break out of the herd to self-educate and better themselves--these latent individuators excel academically and can compete with high performers anywhere in the world.

When high achievers are forced back into the bureaucracy with the lazy, dull, uninspired, collectivized herd of low achievers, then the evil natures of the high achievers tempts them to abandon self-discipline in favor of fitting in with the gathered  nonperformers, and the lowest common denominator of all failing to work, to learn, to grow kicks in, and the school system fails at its mission.

Then, society allows public employee educators to turn them all into junior bureaucrats, broken with all the elan vital bled out of them. There cannot be a worst model for how to educate children then the Americanmodel.

We need a educational revolution in this country. We need to deinstitutionalize schools and all other institutional systems.

Children, reared under the Mavellonialist value system, will work hard, be free, be individual, be increasingly self-directive and self-motivating as they direct their own educational journey, progressing from excellence to advanced excellence. Then the highest common denominator phenomenon will be routine--that the great majority of dull, average and smart kids are all high achievers. Ambition and hard work trump brains every time.

The bottom line is that it all starts from our fallen human natures. This genetic tragedy inflicted upon humankind determines that children are born to fail and prefer to fail. Then misguided, arrogant, liberal adults impose institutional training on children that renders them to live lives of quiet, docile despair, dependent wards of the state. Then we bring them up as altruists with no self-esteem that spend their lives sinning, suffering, avoiding God and non-achieving by living group lives.

Then we send these benighted little souls to public school to be further crushed and molded into little, gentled robots. Low achievement and gangs are the only certain outcomes to follow.

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