Saturday, September 27, 2014

Closing The Cabin

Today, the 27th of September, is officially the first week of fall. We closed the cabin last weekend. We winched the dock up the hill and secured it. We shut off the gas tank to the house. We drained all the plumbing, blew out the lines and picked down every trap in every sink and toilet.

It is always sad to leave at the end of the recreational season. The white oak and red oaks were a variety of colors and the woods were just gorgeous.

We saw about 100 deer this time. They are sleeping within 30 feet of the cabin.

As Andy and I drove out to the highway, we passed a dozen wild turkeys feeding in a pasture. I will try to land a Hubbard County turkey license to hunt here in the spring.

I have notice black bear scat on the dock for three years now. We do not see the bear, but we know she is around. This time as I cleaned up the scat, I looked twice to make sure it was not raccoon scat. I thought it could even be beaver scat, because they have burrows in the bank on the edge of the lake. But I think it is bear scat.

I found an excavated hole in the yard, about 18 inches deep. This hole was oval and quit at 18 inches. The badger holes are more round and go much deeper into the ground. I went and got a shovel and filled in the dirt so the hole next year did not become a trip hazard. As I shoveled the dirt back into the hole, I uncovered an empty honeycomb buried in the excavated dirt. My speculation is that the bear sniffed the honey in the nest of ground wasps, and dug it up to devour the honey despite protesting wasps.

We saw a beautiful blue gentian by the lake. The first time in 15 years that we have found one here.

We went to the gun club and shot rounds through a half a dozen fire arms. Our accuracy was the best it had ever been.

Fishing was slow, few crappies (did they freeze out last winter/) this year. I did catch a 1.5 pound crappy and two ao ounce large mouth bass which I released.

It has been a blessed season up north. Happy autumn!

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