Tuesday, September 9, 2014


When the ISIS fighter from New Hope, Minnesota, one Mr. McCain, was killed in action, I believe in Syria, many were shocked and horrified

A terrorists expert on CNN was trying to explain why young men choose such desperate action. He noted that these radicalized youngsters feel disaffectd, apart from the majority, and are seeking meaning in  their lives. They need to belong to something greater than themselves.

Eric Hoffer would remind us that the isolated individual reaches the psychological vantage point, at which he utterly despises the self, so he joins a mass movement, and is born again as one living organism among 20,000 others insects in a compact group.

These young men find, that joining a mass movement like Islam is, fulfills their deepest desire, to be rid of the loathed, repulsive self.

We must seek to convert them to Mavellonialism. We must crush them militarily, so as to stem the growth of the mass movement to which they lovingly adhere.

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