Thursday, September 4, 2014

Girls Just Want To Have Fun

This electronic newsletter carried an article today about 1/2 of buried Viking soldiers were women.

I have long admired the Vikings for their feminist leanings for their women.

I would love to see almost all modern women trained from early on in the martial arts, and in the use of guns and others weapons until they are skilled, proficient and very able to fend for themselves.

The circumstance must arise where our women are soldiers, confident, armed, violent--even lethal--if need be.

If most women could be trained to self-realize and serve as soldiers in the military and in home county defense militias, we would be half-way to raising an army of 75 million citizen-soldiers.

Try dominating these women and taking away their equal rights and equal opportunity. The aggressor would be picking up his teeth off of the carpet.

When our women are individuators, strong, independent and focused, there are no limits to what our nation can achieve.

If ISIS wants to invade against these modern day Viking shieldmaidens, I feel sorry in advance for the vanquished invaders.

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