Saturday, October 21, 2023



I subscribe to and receive from Chris Rufo, his online, emailed publications; I just received one on 10/20/23, entitled Intersectionality Devolves. I will quote some from this article and comment on the quotes.


Rufo: “For years, left-wing intellectuals have treated ‘intersectionality’ as an inevitability. The social theory, which holds that all oppressed people must join together to overthrow their common oppressor, has been an essential strategy of the Left.


There is some truth to this theory. When the fortunes of the Left are rising, intersectionality seems like a juggernaut identity groups get aggregated into a mass, internal conflicts are subordinated to the cause of liberation, and a policy of ‘no enemies to the left’ shifts political life in favor of the radicals. But the aura of inevitability surrounding the intersectional coalition is an illusion moments of crisis can bring suppressed contradictions to the surface and begin a process of fragmentation.


The recent Hamas terror campaign against Israel might become such a crisis. Following the attack, the foot soldiers of intersectionality—most notably, Black Lives Matter (BLM), the Democratic Socialists of America (DSA), and the academic ‘decolonization’ movement—celebrated the militants who murdered civilians, raped women, and butchered babies. BLM’S chapter published a graphic lionizing the Hamas paraglider terrorists who killed innocents. The DSA blamed Israel for the terror attack against it, arguing that it was ‘the direct result of Israel’s apartheid regime.’ Ivy League professors with expertise in ‘decolonization’ called it a ‘stunning victory’ and said that ‘Palestinians have every right to resist through armed struggle.’


For years these academics and groups have been able to hide their ideological commitments and operate with an air of respectability. But after last week’s statements, they have encountered a well-deserved backlash. Jewish groups, including the generally left-wing Anti-Defamation League, have condemned BLM’s anti-Semitism. A Democratic congressman quit the DSA in protest. Major donors have rebuked Ivy League universities for failing to condemn Hamas forcefully. The Financial Times warned that the ‘left’s take on Hamas’ could lead to a Democratic party split.’”


My response: Perhaps these identity groups will splinter off from each other and forsake their common Marxist message, but I doubt it. The Hamas are Nazis that want Israelis dead, and Americans too. This is our future if these people gain world power, and any Leftists and liberals in America that now rallies still to the Marxist revolutionary banner, after knowing how monstrously vicious they are, are sick, pathological ideologues to be shunned and stopped.


Rufo: “While the backlash against the radical Left’s support of terror is welcome, that support should not have come as a surprise. All of the groups that have long promoted violent ‘decolonization’ of not just Israel but United States . . . The DSA’s Palestine Solidarity working group has repeatedly expressed its support for violent resistance against the Jewish state. ‘One cannot conflate the violence of the colonized people trying to free themselves from the shackles of oppression and the violence of colonizers as they attempt to maintain a system of brutal and horrific domination. To do so is to side with the oppressor, ‘the group wrote last year. ‘Indigenous resistance of all forms are valid, whether it be non-violent protests or armed resistance,’ it declared this summer. Domestically, the DSA published a statement in 2019 endorsing the ‘full decolonization of all the occupied lands of the United States,’ leading to ‘liberation  of all people from capitalism and imperialism.’”


My response: These Marxists identity groups are separate cells with a common goal—applying non-violent protests, terrorism, genocide, armed resistance, and revolution to overthrow Israel, America and all democracies in the West. Genocide, death camps and constructed gulags are to follow.


Rufo: “Following the carnage in Gaza, both BLM and DSA confirmed their support for violence. The BLM grassroots organization declared that the Hamas terror campaign ‘must not be condemned, but understood as a desperate act of self-defense.’ The DSA’s San Francisco chapter reiterated its commitment to violent decolonization, writing in an official statement: ‘Violent oppression inevitably produces resistance. Socialists support the Palestinian people’s, and all people’s right to resist and fight for their own liberation . . .  We call on these who share our vision of global working-class emancipation to join the fight to end the occupation and decolonize Palestine—from the river to the sea.’


The extremism of these movements provides an opportunity to drive a wedge between the establishment Left and such radical factions. As the public begins to connect the dots between Hamas, BLM, DSA, and academic ‘decolonization,’ responsible political leaders will be forced to accept that recent events in Israel are not simply a matter of foreign affairs but have deep domestic ramifications. The radicals will not longer be able to play the game of double-entendre. While they chant for revolutionary struggle from ‘Ferguson to Palestine,’ they are not speaking metaphorically. When they call for an ‘American intifada,’ they do not mean peaceful democratic resistance. They mean violence—a truth that can no longer be denied.”


My response: I am not as optimistic as Rufo that the exposed, popular, sincere, vicious lust for pure violence and cruel revolution that would burn down Israel and America—and kill all of its citizens (at least white citizens)—will shock and repulse enough Democrats Progressives and Liberals, so that the radical Left will be shunned by a Scoop Jackson style of moderate, liberal blue collar party of Democrats still existent in 1975.


I believe the majority of Democrats are now true-believing socialists that will radicalize enough to catch up with and fully support their worst elements to the hilt, rather than abandon their holy cause.


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