Monday, October 16, 2023

Honorable Compromise


As a moderate ethicist, it occurred to me this weekend at the lake that, how a moderate exister was able to differentiate between honorable, ethical reasonable compromise versus engaging in dishonorable, unethical, unreasonable compromising, would exhibit if his choices and behavior were consistent with his principles, or, if inconsistent with such stated principles, was he evil, a hypocrite, an immoral opportunist out for temporary gain, or just confused in his thinking.


I do not to intend to explore this vitally important moral need but will seek to characterize it here briefly and clearly.


If passion is evil more than good—and it is—than we should make free willed choices more based on our reasoning than our subjective feelings—but not exclusively so, for thinking is more about being good than evil, but a deficit of any approach, or excess of it leads to evil: evil is too much indulgence of a trait, or not using in enough in one’s actions and choices, and that is how moderation influences moral, wise decision-making.


If evil is abusing others or depriving them of their freedom, then compromising with people engaging is such behavior is dishonorable. If they are willing to repent and start to choose not to inflict pain upon themselves or others, or to unreasonably cede personal power to others, or seek to dominate those around one, then one should not do business with such corrupt people.


If someone group-lives, non-individuates and enjoys the sadomasochistic power games vying for rank and popularity it the social hierarchy, compromise with such people can be dishonorable.


If people are individual-living, individuating and treat others and demand that others treat the with courtesy, dignity in respect as approximate social equals, despite where each reside on the socioeconomic ladder, then they should cooperate where they can and honestly but not viciously compete with each other in the world of business for profit and wealth, accumulated in goods and resources, that is honorable compromise.


If someone is a hater or open worshiper of Satan, or a secret (often they do not even know who they really serve) follower of Satan as a true-believing adherent of some ideology, one is not to compromise with these people, for that is dishonorable compromise with people that are out to destroy you and the world.


This description of honorable compromise is not exhaustive, but it is a start for a Monday morning when I have to go to work.

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