Tuesday, October 17, 2023

Graduation 2020


Dennis Prager narrated a 5-minute video for Prager U, entitled Graduation 2020: The Covid Class. His basic message is that based on fanaticism, power-grabbing, and junk science, federalists, Leftists and Democrats took advantage of the global panic over Covid to set up a police state in America and elsewhere, and the panicked masses here and elsewhere took it, accepted it quickly, mildly, and eagerly.


Prager is raising the alarm about how freedom is rare, easy to wipe out, and that people love to be tyrannized by government and other institutions. He is warning us that we must fight for liberty or become slaves of a Marxist Uni-Party here in America.


The only defense is to make citizens become individuating supercitizens: only they will have the intelligence, the courage, the guns, the stark, serious permanent, defiant refusal to live under tyrants of any kind.


Supercitizens will also know that tyrants us crises, manufactured or natural, to stampede the masses to give up their freedom for federal assurances that stability, law and order and security and safety will be provided, that the chaos will be snuffed out under the promise of temporary martial law that becomes a permanent dictatorship, nearly every time.


Supercitizens would possess the iron will, the steel nerves, the stubbornness to survive, the calmness, the understanding and willingness to weather any crisis, without surrendering their liberty, the most important state of existing as a citizen, an ethical being and child of the good deities.


Prager offers 3 lessons to learn from the Covid lockdowns.


First, life is hard, and if we know this, we can survive anything without surrendering to totalitarian thugs.


Second, we should always be grateful for the opportunity, liberty, and prosperity that America has provided, and be militant about allowing no authoritarian persons or movements like Leftists to deprive us of our near utopia here, in the name of ending a crisis.


If we are grateful, we can know happiness and goodness, that flow out of gratitude, and this is perhaps Prager’s, our national lay-rabbi (not my original name for Prager; it comes from Sebastian Gorka), hugest moral insight to share with people trying to be good, responsible and to live right.


Third, freedom is fragile, very fragile. It is rare, precious, and easily destroyed. We cannot be good morally or spiritually, at a higher level of existing as living angels, as self-realized great souls, as skilled first handers, as engaged supercitizens, unless we enjoy maximum personal liberty to do our own thing, limited only by limited but strong legal and institutional structures as are necessary for society to survive and function.


We are born evil, and we have evil ethics (altruism). We hate ourselves and are addicted to unhealthy power relationships ; either we seek too much power over others, gaining too much of a sickening kind of power unto ourselves, or we shed our responsible, personal share of power, and give it up to those that oppress, exploit and subjugate us.


We hate ourselves and group-live and to not self-realize: we escape into social arenas of the group, the ideology, the totalitarian state, all ways of escaping from freedom.


We hate freedom that is good for us. We crave, demand and settle for living under tyrants that abuse and degrade us. Such unnecessary and unproductive suffering makes us sick and emotionally crippled, but we are addicted to it and will settle for living that way.


Getting and keeping political and social liberty, plus a culture of good values, following good deities and self-realizing is how supercitizens can live well and prosper in a free, constitutional republic.

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