Friday, October 20, 2023

The Downfall


I subscribe to and receive email publications from Chris Rufo, He sent me one on 9/30/23, entitled The Downfall of Ibram Kendi. I will quote from the article and comment on what interests me.


Rufo: “During the height of the debate on critical race theory, Ibra X. Kendi, the Boston University professor of ‘antiracism,’ attacked my work on MSNBC and other outlets. In response, I penned an op-ed for the New York Post warning that Kendi was the ‘false prophet of a dangerous and lucrative faith.’


Now, a prediction I made—that Kendi’s unpopular ideology and bogus research would fail—has proven true. According to news reports, Kendi accumulated more than $40 million for his Center for Antiracist Research at BU, produced virtually no research, and then laid off nearly half of his employees, who accordingly accused him of mismanaging funds, failing to deliver key projects, and mistreating his team. In the wake of these allegations, Boston University announced an official allegation.


As I explained to John Roberts on Fox News:


This is a part of the pattern we saw in 2020. We saw record donations to groups like Black Lives Matter, to groups like Ibram Kendi’s so-called Anti-Racism Center, and now fast-forward three years and what we have seen is the BLM organization, the leaders looted it and headed to the hills. They decamped to their mansions and left the organization in shambles. And now we have Ibram Kendi’s Antiracism Center, which is the most spectacular academic failure in many years. They hoovered up $40 million and produced almost no research.”


My Response: It is gratifying that these race-baiters and race hustlers are being known about. I want to not get distracted. Let them be exposed by Rufo and others. Deep down, what matters for me, and, I believe, for America is that racism, actual or alleged, be it KKK racism against blacks, Catholics or Jews, or modern reverse racist/antiracialist/black or Leftist racism against white, Christians and individualists, all of these organized, bigoted ideologies of hate grow out of altruist-collectivist ethics, group identity and group rights and that leads to tribal warfare and oppressive groups or tribes oppressing intersectional, rival groups or tribes that are out of power, persecuted, subjugated and oppressed. They are bogus, lies, unscientific and cruel, and the empty rhetoric of Kendi and BLM, and their failed organizations are all emblematic of the emptiness of these organizers their ideology of hate and their fraudulent organizations.


We need to emphasize that America is founded on individualism, individual identity, and individua rights, to each American has marvelous opportunity to grow and get prosperous in this free, tolerant, happy America and that the race-baiters and Marxists should be ignored.


Rufo: “The really is at the heart of this movement. It’s empty. It’s nihilistic. It has nothing of substance . . . Many of us saw this from the beginning. It was very clear that Ibram Kendi was a fraud in 2020. His signature idea was to use the government to discriminate against people of one racial group to benefit people of another racial group, which he called ‘anti-racist discrimination.’ But for any neutral or dispassionate observer, it was simply racism in a new direction.


He has nothing to offer to the debate, and I’m glad to see his research center implode. It’s the ultimate vindication for those of us who said that critical race theory was not a solution to America’s problems and that Ibram Kendi was a false prophet of a dangerous philosophy . . . “


My response: We conservatives must do a much better job at reaching out to young people of all stripes to remind them that race, group and tribe are not that important, but that each young person from all the intersectional groups imaginable, are to self-realize, get smart, get skilled, to work hard, to get married, to have kids, to get wealth and status, self-generated in free prosperous America. The American Dream is alive and well and these snowflakes need to grow up, get their houses in order, and get going, growing in freedom, wealth, goodness, happiness, and contentment.


Conservatives must be about the business of providing and telling the young, an inspiring narrative that if they work hard and long, with a goal to better themselves, here in America they can lead fulfilling, better lives in the bright future just ahead.




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