Thursday, October 12, 2023




Breitbart News this morning has an article for some supporters of Hams calling to take out Israel from the sea to the River.  Hamas has to be militarily defeated by Israel, but I do worry about those 2.3 million civilians used as human shields by Hamas terrorists and murderers. I hope the Israeli government takes overs Gaza but does so carefully to minimize civilian death and casualties, or this will be a public relations disaster for Israel, while also lamenting the need to  minimize death to civilians in a war zone.


The Leftist media put out some online article that I read last night, and they said it Is Israel’s fault that the Palestinians in Hamas are so wound up. Because Israel has not allowed the Palestinians do have their own state, but that is a lie and historically inaccurate.


I watched last night, 3 Prager U videos: The Middle East Problem—narrated by Prager himself on 4/28/14; Should You Care About Israel; Why Isn’t There A Palestinian State.


What comes through clearly and succinctly is that Israel, many times since 1948 has offered Palestinians land for peace, but it is the Arabs that refuse to cooperate and live in peace. They want all Israelis dead, and the consistently deny that Israel has a right to exist at all, let alone be a state in Judah where they have been the indigenous people for 3,000 years or more.


I dare point to the root cause of the problem Islam, especially for the Palestinians and Iranians, has not moderated, modernized or demilitarized (demilitarize the religion even though the Islamic state may need armies, etc.).


Leftists today do not appreciate the core nature of Islam is still fanatical to the core, still ideological, an old mass movement, whose adherents are quiet and peaceful at times, but formidable and willing to die for the faith when roused. They would, if in a holy war and powerful enough to implement their plan, wipe out all competitors, and never quit seeking to murder, war on and wipe out infidels and opponents. Islam and Mohammed had a warrior tradition, and it is naïve, disastrous, and incredibly masochistic to deny what they will do to Israel Jews and to the West if they succeed in genocide in Israel from the sea to the river. They are not kidding and the 1,000 plus murdered, raped, robbed, beheaded, necklaced, and kidnaped Jews this past few days is a pure example of jihadists demonstrating what they do to enemies, rivals, dissidents and foreigners that cannot defend themselves.


Prager is right: there is no peace in the Middle East because the extremist Palestinians and Iranians will not allow it. A two-party state will make them more powerful and more able to unleash their plan for genocide against the Jews—that it their only objective, their only desire. To rape and behead children while chanting that God is great tells you Satan not God is guiding these people. Islam is an old and fine faith, but any faith or idolized ism sacred or secular, whose adherents respectively are believers or atheists, it does not matter.


We cannot butcher other in Gd’s name and then believe that we will go to heaven. No wonder the secular atheists like the followers of Ayn Rand have no time for religious people.


The world may not survive what is going on in Israel. If Iran gets nuclear weapons, they will get the missiles to kill everyone in Israel, America, and likely Western Europe. Humanity is in grave danger and perhaps only God can save us.


Anti-Semitism is an old form of racism. Racism is the product of rabid altruistic ethics, by which my group and my tribe is all good and all smart, and rival groups or tribes (like Jews) are all bad. The anti-Semitic mentality or of any other radicalized groups is that we are a moral people as long as we are kind and decent to the members of our own group.


Those belonging to groups and tribes that are external to our group and tribe are subhuman, so, therefore, they are feces, and what can treat these human pieces of crap with complete cruelty, abuse and persecution because they have no rights at all.


The world, the cynical or honest kinds of altruists, conclude, is a place of endless strife and group versus group warring and competing for power and resources. That will never change, they have concluded, and what is moral is getting as much power and wealth for one’s tribe as one can amass, without or without taking up arms. Leftists and tribalists may talk compassion and justice, but latching onto power for their favored groups and tribes is all they aim for or believe in.


Winning is moral and clever; losing is dumb and immoral. That is their moral compass.


Marxism and social justice aside, the tribes that win and run the government and have all the money, arms, police, military, and power: they get to discriminate, oppress, subjugate, exploit, rape, torture, murder, imprison and eliminate those they hate that are powerless and defeated.


Only God and a capitalist constitutional set of republican nations populated with anarchist individuator supercitizens can end the historical cycle of evil, injustice tyranny and suffering inflicted by the in-tribe in power tearing up their victims and slaves, the out-groups out of power.


May Palestine and Israel come to Mavellonialist sanity but I would not hold my breath.



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