Tuesday, October 17, 2023



It is fascinating how the transgender movement parallels the postmodernist criticism of essentialism. Essentialists argue that there are only two genders, the ones assigned to us by nature and God at birth, our biological sex. Essentialists also point out that all other mammals, our animal cousins, have only two biological genders too, and we are like them.


Essentialists also argue that we have been man and women, binary genders, for thousands of years of human history and prehistory.


Existentialists deny that human nature is fixed, immutable and eternal. They vow that existence precedes essence, that our human natures are not binary in terms of sex, not unchanging and necessarily what we seemed to be at birth.


In support of the promoters of transgenderism, existentialists assert that we have pure free will to assign to ourselves whatever identity we choose. Our binary sex assignment at birth, despite a few intersex (hermaphrodite exceptions) persons, is what it is, but we are the gender and identity that we assign to ourselves.


 I owe these ideas about human sex being binary to biologist Colon Wright, and his Prager U video (Sex is Binary) on the subject.


I am making the connection between the traditional, modernist, and essentialist view on gender as assigned at birth, versus the postmodern, Leftists, woke, anti-essentialist, existentialist view that one’s gender identity is what one chooses for it to be.


Wright is a PhD biologist. He denounces transgenderism—and by implication existentialism—and it seems that he is suggesting transgenderism is unscientific, emotional, contradicting reality, immoral and revolutionary.


Transgenderism is one of the latest intersectional categories of victimhood and grievance-mongering by transgender zealots and nihilists against the cisgender, heterosexual majority.


Transgenderism grows out of lies and bad values. Bad values promote group rights, group moral code (altruism) of blameworthy groups (oppressors) versus praiseworthy groups (the oppressed), but always they are a splintered cover pushed to overthrow every facet of Western culture so that the deracinated masses will adopt a Marxist culture of totalitarianism, ideology, endless power struggling between rival tribes and hatred and suffering for all against all.


We need good values that insist that individual rights precede group rights, that individual moral code (egoism) is dominant over group-based morality, that personal identity flows out of a life of personal self-realization and individual-living, that one’s gender is binary, that one’s identity is individual, not group-oriented, that essence precedes existence in one’s narrative for living, but existence is an acknowledged minority consideration.



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