Tuesday, October 3, 2023

The Ten Commandments


Dennis Prager narrated a Prager U 5-minute video on the

Ten Commandments, and I took note on the video and will comment below: “No document so changed the world like The Ten Commandments—out of them grew universal human rights, women’s rights, the end of slavery and parliamentary democracy.”


My response: Prager is right in all that he says above. All the noble, great political, economic, and cultural achievements that arose out of Western Civilization, most of it derived from the Bible, and from Greek sources too of course. The woke, lying, sneering Left ignores all the moral progress enjoyed in the modern world, grew out of The Ten Commandments, and other biblical gems.


Prager: “The Ten Commandments come from God, not humans, the government, nature, or the king. If God did not exist and did not give us The Ten Commandments, then murder is not wrong, but the ethical horror at it is reduced to a socially condemnatory opinion (not objective moral outrage, I add, my parentheses).


Now there are good atheists and bad religious believers, but, generally, God gives us objective moral guidelines. We need to know what is wrong, as so identified by God, not just what we merely believe is wrong. Without God, all morality is opinion or belief. “


My response: As a moderate skeptic about certainty of moral claims, I still mostly buy what Prager promotes, for probably certain moral truth is the basis upon which I am willing to follow the teachings of the Bible, and to live by The Ten Commandments as best as I can.


Prager: : There was no God in the governments of the 20th century, those secular governments that murdered 100 millions noncombatants. God helps us know right from wrong. God is always watching so we do not get away with evil, and will pay in the next world for sure, even if we fooled people in this world.”


My response: Evil has been done by religious people in God’s name, an abomination to the good deities. Religious people must swear of pogroms, the persecution, prosecution, pogroms against, holy wars and forced conversion of unbelievers and differing believers.


God is always a God of love, and the individual is the pious person that, of her own free will, self-realizes and thinks for herself and develops her talent. By inclination and training, she will not spread her faith by the sword, nor refuse to coexist peacefully and harmoniously with those that do not share her metaphysics.


If evil is done in good religions and by religious people, we must acknowledge that and admit to these failings. We must apologize for the sins of our allies and ancestors, pledging to do better going forward.


Prager is mostly correct, in suggesting that more evil is done in the name of secular, totalitarian governments than was done by civilians and rulers of religious governments throughout history.


If, in secular governments and culture, God is silent, absent, suppressed, people leisurely, rich, bored, affluent, and educated--points I learned from Prager—they fill their need for God with causes or abstractions that they worship fanatically as one-true faiths as do devotees in a mass movement. Once that mass movement supports ruling elites, revolutionaries, radicals, and haters of humanity, drunk with the lust for absolute control, that install totalitarian government in their societies.


The ruling elite are likely atheists, but Satan lurks very near the surface, as the power behind the throne in these wicked, tragic societies.

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