Friday, October 20, 2023

The Color Of Evil


I long, intuitively have favored the typical Western opinion that the color of evil is gray, black, or dark, and, that the color of good is buffy, light, or white.


This is not white supremacist opinion that whites are light-skinned, so they are good, and people that are brown-skinned or black-skinned are evil. Humans have one race, so we know that we are very similar, despite our different eye colors or skin colors. There are blue-eyed devils and blue-eyed angels, and black-eyed devils, and black-eyed angels.


This is not connected to my deep intuition that evil is dark-colored, and good is a light-color.


Now Dennis Prager thinks just the opposite of me: that evil is light-colored and obvious and out in the open.


I think we are both right. I think the wellspring of evil comes from nature, from our psychic wells of urges, temptations, drives, passions, and instincts, and that is a moist, dark, dank, warm or frozen place.


When evil is raging in the open in the world, and turns to pure cruelty, murder and social mayhem, its practitioners are so numerous and unopposed that they no longer need to disguise their immorality, acting as pious and moral hypocrites feigning virtues to that angered, offended children of light, with such sway as they would still wield, are able to thwart and punish the sinning and power-grabbing of eager, motivated evildoers.


What was born in darkness is now openly lived wickedness in daylight in the world, and that is the light of horror and hate and murder that Prager is calling out as evil but shining and bright.

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