Wednesday, October 4, 2023

Living In Fear


I watched recently a 5-minute Prager U video, narrated by Dennis Prager, and its title is Why You Shouldn’t Live In Fear, and it was posted on 1/31/22: I took notes on the video which I will then respond to.: “FDR famously and wisely noted that you have nothing to fear but fer itself.”


My response: Well, when the object of our fear is tangible and the fear is rational, then we have to fear the fear itself and the object feared. If one does not turn off the power to a circuit in one’s house while replacing a defective light switch, there is a higher probability of being shocked, than if the circuit is off.


The fear of being shocked is a real fear, and the act of fearing this painful, sometimes fatal experience is realistic and practical. It has been said that we are afraid often in

life, but we must manage our fear (we cannot eliminate it) so that our plan of action allows us to transcend being paralyzed by our fear, so that we can engage in the mildly dangerous or very dangerous activity, get our work done and then move on to other things.


That one lives with one’s fearing things or dangers by coping with them logically, calmly, by devising a plan for how to behave in response to that fear, and then one finds the courage, will and energy to implement the sensible plan to achieve goals, and learn to work with fear, not overcome and frozen by it, nor reckless paying no attention to that felt sentiment, which could be self-destructive—especially if that fear is a rational fear, and not an irrational fear like: if I think for myself, live my own life, and maverize, then I will be cast out of my groups for my disobedience to their culture of nonindividuating and groupthink, then my fear of disobeying my group’s expectations and sanctions will reflect a collapse of social standing and public happiness so drastic, that I could never go against the group’s will.


This is immoral and unacceptable failing to live and act, grounded in irrational fear: we must do what we need to do in line with our own values and individual preferences (as long as they are moral and legal). Whether the group approves of our independent thinking and acting, or punishes us for our disobedience or not, those anticipated reactions, feared and possible, are irrelevant if we dare to stand up out of the crowd and go about our business. We will lose their approval and petty rewards, but we will feel authentic, happy, meaning-infused as we do our own thing in a way that develops our talent, that extends God’s kingdom in the world, and makes the world a little better for all, even our disapproving confused, punitive peers.


When we maverize, we overcome our fear of group disapproval, and then the whole, wide wonderful world opens up to us, in all of its potential, wowing possible permutations. If we had not overcome our fear, we could not finally have become alive, self-loving, other-loving, and creative.


Prager: “Fear is the strongest emotion. If you get people scared enough, they will do anything. Rational fear is sensible, but irrational fear is (The tool cunningly stoked to a white heat by elites to control the stampeding masses to give up their liberty and independence, to submit eagerly right now to tyranny and thinking done by the elites promising—a false promise--to save them from some putatively, looming disaster.) is induced, manipulated and strengthened audibly by government and the media to get a totalitarian, permanent grip on a fearful, panicked people.


Fear is more powerful than love, hate or reason. It is destructive to the individual and to society.”


My response: The Left, through experts like scientists, by pastors, by Hollywood celebrities, by government experts like Fauci, bureaucrats, politicians, judges, professors, educators, the media and woke corporate CEOs and HR managers, brainwash and spoon-feed to the masses how to think and whom to obey without question, even when they just seek raw power over the people.


Stoking the people with irrational fear that the world is dying do to Covid or global warming so we have to engage in degrowth, and let a Leftist totalitarian elite run America from now on to save us, for our own good. There is no time to think or hesitate: give in, obey, and surrender everything right now, or it will be too late.


I have long promoted that the average, smart, confident, competent, moral, sane, sensible American adult should come to live as an anarchist-individuator supercitizen. Only such a fearless, skeptical, independent-thinking, courageous, outspoken, people from the working classes, the middle class and the upper middle class would be strong enough to never panic, and never give up liberty to anyone for any reason, nor matter how they scream that the sky is falling in, and we need to be instantly deprived of our property, say, lives, guns, right and freedoms, so that a governmental elite of thugs and killers can save humanity.


If Americans do not adopt Mavellonialist strength of mind and spirit as a people to withstand being stampeded in the name of any fear shouted from the roof-tops by fear-mongers, then they will win, and we will be broken sheep under their sway, as the permanent, entrenched cultural Marxist rulers of Communist America.


Prager: “Rational fear is sensible though you cannot allow that to control you. Irrational fear is being afraid of climate change, so one refuses to have children.


Irrational fear led to hatred of Jews in Nazi Germany. Jews were less than 1% of the German population, but it was feared and believed that they would overthrow the government, so they needed to be wiped out, thus the Holocaust.


Study issues and then decide if fears are rational or irrational.


The government, the media, Big Tech companies are all for one official, national narrative, all propaganda and fear-mongering, while opposites views are silenced and punished.

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