Sunday, October 22, 2023

Moral Equivalence


Dennis Prager said this recently: “Moral equivalence has two purposes. One is to enable the morally confused to hide their confusion.


The other is to enable to immoral to hide their immorality.”


My response: Leftists and Islamists around the world that say there is moral equivalency between the terrorist and genocidal attack upon Israeli citizens is and Israel’s requirement to go to war to defend an attack on innocent, unarmed civilians inside of Israel, but there is no such equivalency.


Hamas and the Palestinians could have their own state in Palestine if they agreed to accept the right of Israelis, the indigenous people of Palestine, to have their own country, alongside a Palestinian state, and that both countries need to agree and abide by a mutual agreement to coexist in peace and cooperation. The Israelis have lived in peace with their neighbors, already living this agreement.


The fault is almost entirely on the side of Hamas and the Palestinians. They are murderous, fanatical, genocidal, and uncompromising. They refuse to let the Jews live in peace. They want them dead, and their land stolen from them. The Palestinians are the would-be occupiers of Israel, a country they have no right at all to own or live in.


No one dares speak the truth about Muslims: there has never been a religious mass movement in recorded history with the sheer staying power of Islam on the march, and when fighting an opposing people, culture, or faith. They never surrender; they never quite coming after you, no matter how many times you defeat them. They never forget; they never forgive. You have to murder every one of them to get them to quit hating on you and quit attacking you, and that is what the Jews must understand. These fanatics are all or none. Either they are wiped out or they wipe out the Israelis: there is no compromise, and giving them land for peace will not make any difference. Either the Israelis destroy Iran, Hezbollah and the Palestinians completely by murdering all of them (I am not AT ALL ADVOCATING THIS EVIL SOLUTION.)  or Israeli is nuked by Iranian nuclear weapons, or Israel loses one conventional war, and its people are  exterminated to the last man from the sea to the river. That is the conscious, sincere often secretly held, moral attitude and religious plan of justified Muslim belief of the Iranians and Palestinians, and maybe millions of Muslims across the globe.


Communists are a secular, atheistic version of Islam, and Islam is a religious, monotheistic version of Communism. Both never coexist with democratic, tolerant, freedom-loving, coexisting Western societies, though they may be Fabian for a while, while weak minorities in Western countries yet to be conquered.


Where they rule, they allow no dissent, not free speech, no individual liberty, no competing cultures, economic models, or faiths. No diversity or multiculturalism for them: the identity groups that rule these totalitarian states with their socialist economies have total power and they kill or torture anyone that speaks out against them. They have their monopoly on power and resources, and they intend for it to stay that way. Their people are filled with self-loathing and minimum self-esteem as they don’t moderate, individual-live, enjoy freedom, being armed and enjoying private property,. They do not individuate. They do not live economically, culturally and politically with flattened hierarchies. There is always an elite on the top and the masses have very little or nothing.


When out of power but secretly or not so secretly conspiring to overthrow the government, economy, rival faith and culture of religious and ethnic rivals (like Western, Eurocentric Christian nations that have now large and growing Muslim and Leftist minorities or majorities in their countries), Muslim and Communists are never willing to peacefully coexist, tolerate and live and let live share power, resources, land, religious pluralism or ideological say with rival groups. They want their monopoly: where they get it, they enforce uniformity of thought and practice with utter ruthlessness. Where they have not yet revolutionized the society that they are living in, they endlessly, always there are striving to overturn the existing culture and regime, replacing them with totalitarianism, Communism and steering the masses to enthusiastic, masochistic pure allegiance to the Party’s or Faith’s announced ideology.


America should not only be wary of letting Palestinians move here, because too many Muslims of any ilk, or peoples from socialist societies, since they are not willing to assimilate, support the American culture and way of life, they hate us, think their own religion ideology and culture are superior, and never cease to work to overthrow our way of life. They are not kidding about taking over, and we should take them at their word that they plan a revolution here.


Communism and radicalized Islam, with their fanaticism, their true-believing, their secular or religious holy causes, their mob mentality as part of a mass movement, are two of the most demonic, perilous, wicked ideologies that the world has ever experienced. Satan and Lera love these two ideologies and seek to extend them across the globe, and may yet taste complete victory. These vicious, deadly ideologies must be opposed by the West and people of good faith everywhere.


If Muslims modernize, moderate and demilitarize as a faith and culture, and blend Mavellonialist values with their Islamic theology and ethos, then they can have the good values that will allow for Muslims and Jews to finally know lasting peace in the Mideast. Nothing else will work.




Islam is the most courageous of fanatical, traditional religions; its followers constitute a settled mass movement of true believers that easily go active, violent, murderous and warlike-as the fierce indomitable tribal warriors of history that they were—they never compromise, they never admit fault, they never modernize, they never give up warring on an opponent; they never stop working to destroy their rivals and enemies, their way and will are rewarded as they enjoy success at extending shariah law and the caliphate to rule the entire world.


Look at the mobs of Muslim men all over the world rioting, spontaneously hitting the streets as rioters (Mullahs have fired them up likely at the mosque.) to burn down American and Jewish consulates and embassies, because Hamas Nazis butchered Israelis this month, and Israel dare defend itself. It requires a group-oriented people of group-livers that are nonindividuated to easily and instantly rage, form mobs and attack their enemies in violent street protests. This is a pure example of altruism-collectivism being practiced, and it is altruist at its most violent, cruel, evil stage.


There is no hope for America, Israel, and the world to survive and know peace unless Muslims, the culprits in all of these Middle East conflicts with Israel, modernize, moderate and demilitarize, and become modern, peaceful, gentle, and civilized religious practitioners. Allah is a benevolent deity and Mohammed is a wise and great prophet, but their followers do evil in God’s name, and that has to stop.


Mavellonialism could be of great assistance to Muslims and people of any faith to teach people to self-realize, live as living angels that individual-live, and practice other-love through self-love first, and practice moderation in ideology, theology, and philosophy.


If we mix together two of the current mass movement together—moderate and radicalized Islam and Leftism and Bolshevism—we have intimidating, powerful, nihilistic forces eager to start World War III or, short of that, install a one world totalitarian government, being it a caliphate or Chinese dictator that rules the world. Neither Israel, America or Western nations will survive being ruled by these genocidal children of darkness.


We must help Muslims and Leftist youths to understand that there is no moral equivalence between their cruel, empty ideologies versus the American Way and the Jewish way, so they can repent and abandon their horrible values and their hatred of the children of light and their optimistic, positive ways of living.

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